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Neurofeedback provides the brain with information that encourages self-regulation. Because the brain is part of the nervous system, the impact of a more efficient brain is far-reaching. When your central nervous system is off kilter, your brain signals operate inefficiently.  Neurofeedback works like a mirror - giving your brain the opportunity to recognise and retrain inefficient signals – self-correcting into a more natural, relaxed and effective pattern.
Neurofeedback is totally non-invasive and has no known side-effects. â€‹ Though it is not a medical treatment, people experience relief  from physical, mental and emotional symptoms.  Neurofeedback can be used as a tool alongside counselling or on its own. An inital session and conversation will be used to help us decide which is more appropriate. 

Here are some of the reasons clients come for neurofeedback:


PTSD and trauma responses - neurofeedback is a popular tool in this instance because it does not involve talking about the trauma. We would however discuss the way counselling could support this work and create a place of safety.

Anxiety, stress and anger - counselling and neurofeedback can also be usefully considered together if you are struggling to regulate other emotions.


ADHD - clients with ADHD have a higher incidence of theta brain-waves and neurofeedback supports stabilization and flexibility of brain function for adults and children. Clients are interested in this as a non-medical option with no known side-effects.


Behavioural challenges in and out of school - these can be with or without a diagnosis.


General health and wellbeing - A more stable nervous system impacts all areas of life - I encourage you to contact me me if you have a specific query.


If you are wondering whether neurofeedback is for you, I invite you to come and try it for yourself.

Phone: 07940816483

I follow covid-safe guidelines in my neurofeedback practice

Neurofeedback: Welcome


I would encourage neurofeedback alongside counselling for the same reasons I would encourage any activity that reminds us that our bodies sometimes bear the weight of unprocessed feelings.
Neurofeedback works with the body while counselling gives you the opportunity to process emotions and to develop words and understanding around them.

Neurofeedback: Services


 I believe that our bodies and brains store an imprint of our lives as we adapt to cope with our unfolding experiences. We can harness this innate capacity to change in many different ways: for example we may choose yoga or mindfulness or counselling or neurofeedback.
I first began to notice the role of the brain as part of my interest in the impact of trauma on the body; in particular the work of Bessel van der Kolk. Inspired by his book 'The Body Keeps The Score', I went to Holland and spoke to a Dutch psychologist about her work with trauma. I had a  neurofeedback session and her animated response to my questions about impact on clients confirmed what I had read and researched.
My interest in neurofeedback has widened beyond my interest in trauma. Responses from clients cite impact in areas such as performance anxiety, stress management, sleep and weightloss; parents bring children who struggle in school and notice an improved capacity to learn; I am also interested in the impact of neurofeedback with hyperactivity or attention deficit. 
Our bodies and minds are truly incredible. Neurofeedback invests in the belief that we are natural survivors and, given the opportunity, our brains can increase in resilience and flexibility - naturally resulting in a reduction in some of the issues that impact our day to day living. In short, I'm excited by the feedback I hear from clients and that's why I work with neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback: About


In your introductory neurofeedback session you will fill out a questionnaire saying how you feel and what you hope to achieve from your sessions. You wear two small sensors on your head, and ear clips on your ears that record the electrical activity of your brain. You sit in a comfortable chair and listen to music for 30 minutes. The brain does all the work. No conscious effort is required on your part. There is nothing you need to do other than come along. If you would like to, you could bring a book to read while you are in session. You could do something on your phone or tablet (most parents bringing a child or young person bring something for them to do) There is no need to control thoughts, emotions, concentration, think of anything in particular or do anything else to make it work better. By the time you have consciously registered the interruption in the music your brain has already responded to it and moved on. So, there is nothing you need to do, or can do, during the session that will improve outcomes. It really is that simple.


If you are interested in finding out more about using neurofeedback, please contact me to arrange an introductory session.I will then send you a questionnaire to fill in and bring to the session. In the introductory session we use the questionnaire to facilitate a discussion around the use of neurofeedback, a chance to ask questions and 30 minutes using the system.  During this session we will discuss whether neurofeedback is suitable on its own, or if it would be more appropriate to consider it as a tool used alongside counselling. This is an ethical decision for me as I believe that some shifts that can occur as a result of neurofeedback  benefit from the space to think them through. This is likely to be the case if you have experienced trauma or are currently under significant stress.

Neurofeedback: Packages & Rates


According to Psychology Today:
'Children, adolescents, and adults with seizure conditions, behaviour disorders, attention deficits, autism, ongoing developmental delays, acquired brain injuries, birth trauma, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, stress-related problems, and insomnia or interrupted sleep patterns, as well as those with age-related cognitive loss, may find neurofeedback helpful. Neurofeedback may also be used as an adjunct intervention with other forms of therapy.'


The system I use is a NeurOptimal® dynamic neurofeedback system developed in 1999 by clinical psychologists with vast experience within the Neurofeedback community: Drs. Valdeane and Susan Brown. This system currently registers over 3 million client hours worldwide. There are other neurofeedback systems available which are linear - augmenting or suppressing certain wave frequencies, but this system works dynamically - adjusting responsively to the work of the central nervous system. Clients have reasons why they might chose one or the other of these and if you would like to think about this some more I invite you to discuss this with me in your introductory session.

Neurofeedback: Services
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